Welcome to Infurnace

You may be wondering why you are here. Surely you were searching for something that led you here, perhaps a window to this place opened and you came through or perhaps you fell down a rabbit hole and woke up painting this page red. Whatever has brought you here and how can only be explained by you but I do hope that no matter how you got here you will enjoy your stay.

What is Infurnace you ask? Infurnace is one of four kingdoms in the story Web of Souls. It will serve as an antagonistic kingdom within the story and is still under construction but the name seems to have found a place in my heart and clung to it. This blog will cover all portions of the Web of Souls project. Every success and failure of this project will likely be shared here as well as up first information and updates on progress.

Friday, July 8, 2011

well that's faerie nuff I guess

I 'm beginning to think my titles alone will become a challenge for everyone to figure out what I'm referencing from time to time but when it comes to puns I just can't help myself. If there's such a thing as a good pun I've yet to find it but it's not like I'm bothered by bad puns. In fact I quite adore puns and for that we can probably turn a cynical eye to me having grown up reading Peirs Anthony's Xanth series and lay the blame between the entrancing pages full of hot cross puns. Speaking of puns I have a minor update to the cast concepts!

Ladies and gentlemen, these two lovely fair folk will be revealed within the pages of volume one of Web of Souls. You'd hardly think there's anything punny about them though I suppose some of the best puns are the ones left unseen. I do imagine wielding a blade of grass as an actual blade would be rather impressive as opposed to laughable but the underlying pun is still something I'm wont to enjoy endlessly.

On another note while we have mentions of volume one up and about. The full outlines for up to volume two are done. If work continues to flow so smoothly we can hope to see plenty of beginning work get underway.

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