So as I said yesterday I was working on Sihle's design next and indeed I wasn't lying! So why isn't the precious thing showing off and strutting her stuff with the other four? She's getting her own separate post is why!
I don't know why I have such a love of giving characters parts of themselves to hate and despise but I do kinda think everyone has one thing about themselves that they dislike or that causes them distress. I guess a character just isn't complete to me unless they have one self improvement goal at least.
I do believe I promised some fun facts about the five sisters too. Part of me wants to crack a joke about a pop quiz later but knowing me that quiz would be filled with random myth critter trivia and nothing truly useful (unless knowing how to dissolve gremlins proves useful to you, in which case I highly suggest calling a professional metaphysical exterminator or wishing the goblin king to take them away.)
And now what you're here for!
Random Fellpool Factoids:
That's all for now! I'll be burying myself back into my work again soon and probably teaching my dear partner Eric how to use this blog
I don't know why I have such a love of giving characters parts of themselves to hate and despise but I do kinda think everyone has one thing about themselves that they dislike or that causes them distress. I guess a character just isn't complete to me unless they have one self improvement goal at least.
I do believe I promised some fun facts about the five sisters too. Part of me wants to crack a joke about a pop quiz later but knowing me that quiz would be filled with random myth critter trivia and nothing truly useful (unless knowing how to dissolve gremlins proves useful to you, in which case I highly suggest calling a professional metaphysical exterminator or wishing the goblin king to take them away.)
And now what you're here for!
Random Fellpool Factoids:
- Alaqua's lacerated cheeks were initially sewn up by Jarona to prevent the continuous puns Alaqua would make about 'tongue in cheek' humor.
- Sibylla is often referred to as 'bright eyes' by prince Tomi.
- Sibylla isn't hot tempered as most would assume but she has a fiery spirit and a strong will. She is the only one of the sisters who will stand toe to toe with the prince until one of them backs down.
- The Fellpool are not actually sisters but they share a blood relation through Akako's magic.
- Each of the sisters has a different style of dress though their outfits never change.
- Jarona has a lovely voice and used to sing the young prince to sleep each night. It was on his sixteenth birthday when he asked her to not sing for him anymore that she stitched her mouth closed and became silent.
- Each of the sisters has a nose piercing of some sort.
- The elements the sisters command are inherent, they are not stolen powers. The existence of a water element amongst them suggests they are of varied origins.
- While Sihle enjoys pain as much as any physical sensation Randa's body piercings would drive her mad with sensation.
- Each of the sisters has a specialized fighting style as well as powerful elemental magic. Their weapons are specific to their fighting style.
- Sibylla's breath sparks when she speaks. When angered she has melted boulders and other various objects with sudden bursts of fire breath.
- Alaqua's amorphous nature cannot be classified as true shapeshifting as she must always return to her original form rather quickly. Her specific ability is known as burst shifting (a sudden and mild form alteration such as: becoming a puddle and reforming, reshaping an arm into a jaw that stretches seven feet further than her arm normally could, or stretching herself or her tongues great lengths.)
That's all for now! I'll be burying myself back into my work again soon and probably teaching my dear partner Eric how to use this blog
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